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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Doodooo dabba!

Doodoo dabba (doodoo = milk, dabba = box). Yes ladies and gentleman, we have ourselves a new name for a certain intimate undergarment wear!

So a few weeks ago, I was at the mall and walked into La vie en rose. Upon seeing the scantily clad manequin, Eesa smiled smuggly and declared: Nungi!! (naked). The poor manequin must have shrunk red down to her wooden bones! So anyway, while I was browsing inside, he walked up to a rack of bras, poked through a cup and declared: "doodoo dabbah!". (the box that holds the milk, i suppose). Ever so hillariously embarassed, I pretended he wasn't mine. Then I realized, "what the heck, no one would understand what he meant", picked him and paced out of the store - only to curse myself about my inability to decide whether I should be embarassed about his bluntness or if i should praise his growing vocabulary!!


At 4:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! That is hilarious... subhan Allaah... these kids are too smart... and besharam! LOL... give hugs n kisses to Eesa from moi inshaa Allaah! LOL... cant stop laughing.
May Allaah make him a mumin aameen

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Umm Belaal said...

ya on sat, after dinner i was serving ice cream, i stood in front of the chair, so eesa came running and stood on the chair, and promptly smacked my butt and said 'big butt'

At 11:02 AM, Blogger @}--}-- *Ayesha* --{--{@ said...

HAHAHHAHAHAH mashaAllah eesa is soo smart!! i wouldnt have come up with that one LOL

At 6:42 PM, Blogger Shezalldat said...


isnt that soo embarassing, maryam? AHH!

At 7:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tell me about it... my father took my niece one day with him to do laundry in their apartment building. it was summer time and a lady there was wearing shorts. my niece pointed to her legs and said.."dadda...shame, shame"..

At 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait till your son learns where the Milk really comes from ;).


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