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Thursday, March 30, 2006

A brush is but a brush

You've been seeing us brush our teeth. Ive been trying to teach you how to brush yours. Today, you grabbed your toothbrush and brushed everything you could find. Since you know how to use a hairbrush, you thought it was the same and went and began brushing naani's hair with it. It kept getting tangled so you went to nana to brush his - few remaining - hair. After a while, you saw something more interesting; his eyebrows! Lo behold! you began brushing that!

You're showing amazing signs of motor developmental skills mashaAllah. keep it up!

Something that really really amused me was watching you with a belt! I saw you with your shirt lifted high, trying to insert the belt through your diaper - as though they were your pants! You looked adorable mashaAllah.

Today i went to bhoriwada to do some business related work. When I came back, Naani was thoroughly impressed. you were simply unbelievable. You were asleep when i left, when you woke up you searched every room for me. But you knew i was not around, so you simply played wiht naani, without creating a chaos.

Booboo, me lubs u! =)


At 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww eesa ..
u seem to be growing up and learning everything soo fast..
cant waiit to see u actually do them infront of us..
cant waiit till u learn how to say myy namee
luv u soooooooooooo muuchh!!
-ur phopho, nadia/aisha

At 10:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MA ur growing smart! lets see what else i can teach u:D


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